How do you prevent 3D pen creations from collapsing?


The rise of 3D printing technology has paved the way for various creative tools, and the 3D pen is one of them. A 3D pen allows you to create three-dimensional objects by drawing in the air or on a surface. However, preventing your 3D pen creations from collapsing can be challenging, especially for beginners. This article provides essential tips and techniques to ensure your creations stand strong.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the tips, it’s essential to understand the fundamental concepts of working with a 3D pen.

  • Material: The type of filament you use, such as PLA or ABS, affects your creation’s stability.
  • Temperature: Proper temperature settings ensure the filament melts and solidifies correctly.
  • Speed: Controlling the speed of extrusion can influence the final structure.

Table: Filament Types and Properties

Filament Type Properties Recommended Usage
PLA Biodegradable, low melting point, less prone to warping General use, beginners
ABS Durable, higher melting point, can emit fumes Engineered parts, professional use

Essential Tips to Prevent Collapsing

Choose the Right Filament

Using the appropriate filament is crucial. For beginners, PLA is recommended due to its lower melting point and ease of use. Professionals might prefer ABS for more complex projects despite the need for higher temperature control.

Master Temperature Control

Each type of filament has a specific temperature range. Ensure your 3D pen is set to the correct temperature to prevent the filament from being too runny or too solid.

Optimize Speed

Adjusting the extrusion speed is vital. A slow speed allows for better control and precision, ensuring each layer is properly placed and has time to solidify before adding the next layer.

Use a Sturdy Surface

Drawing on a stable, flat surface helps maintain the structure’s integrity. Starting on a wobbly or uneven surface can lead to uneven layers and eventual collapse.

Create a Strong Base

Building a solid base is critical. Ensure the foundation is wide and sturdy enough to support the structure’s height and complexity.

Layer by Layer Approach

Adopting a methodical, layer-by-layer approach helps. Allow each layer to cool and solidify before adding the next to build a strong framework.

Use Supports for Complex Designs

For intricate designs, using supports can prevent collapses. Create temporary support structures that can hold parts in place until the main framework is stable.

Reinforce Weak Points

Identifying and reinforcing weak points is crucial. Add extra filament to areas prone to bending or breaking for additional strength.

Advanced Techniques for Better Stability

Cross-Hatching Technique

The cross-hatching technique involves creating a grid-like structure that adds extra strength and stability. This is particularly useful for larger or taller creations.

Curved Layer Approach

Instead of straight layers, use curved layers to distribute the weight evenly and add more stability, making the structure less prone to collapse.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Using the wrong filament type
  • Improper temperature settings
  • Inconsistent extrusion speed
  • Weak foundation
  • Ignoring the importance of cooling time


Creating stable and durable 3D pen creations requires a mix of the right materials, techniques, and a careful approach. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, following these tips can help you achieve better results and create impressive 3D art without the frustration of collapsing structures.

With practice and experimentation, you’ll develop the skills necessary to bring your intricate designs to life with less effort and more consistency.

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